Whispering Ravens
Dry Traditional Mead
Hugin and Munin are Odin's spies into the world, flying throughout the realms of the Norse universe and bringing news to the king of the Aesir. They perch on the Allfather's shoulder and whisper their secret knowledge to him, hence the name.
Some scholars have linked Odin's ability to send his "thought" and "mind" to the trance-state journey of shamans.
When Fish was beginning to refine the recipe for a traditional mead a decade ago, he named that brew 'whispering ravens,' and so we continued the tradition at Raven Queen.
Hugin and Munin are Odin's spies into the world, flying throughout the realms of the Norse universe and bringing news to the king of the Aesir. They perch on the Allfather's shoulder and whisper their secret knowledge to him, hence the name.
Some scholars have linked Odin's ability to send his "thought" and "mind" to the trance-state journey of shamans.
When Fish was beginning to refine the recipe for a traditional mead a decade ago, he named that brew 'whispering ravens,' and so we continued the tradition at Raven Queen.

Ymir's Blood
Blackberry Mead
The Norse creation myth places Ymir as the first being, born when the ice and rime from Nifelheim met the fire from Muspell the liquid formed a man, father of all ice giants. The grandsons of Búri, the gods Odin, Vili and Vé, killed Ymir and fashioned the Earth from his flesh, the ocean from his blood, and the mountains from his bones.
We love the rich color of this brew and it's deep, complex berry flavor, so we named it in reference to the depths of the ocean and the bloody act of creation that brought it forth.
The Norse creation myth places Ymir as the first being, born when the ice and rime from Nifelheim met the fire from Muspell the liquid formed a man, father of all ice giants. The grandsons of Búri, the gods Odin, Vili and Vé, killed Ymir and fashioned the Earth from his flesh, the ocean from his blood, and the mountains from his bones.
We love the rich color of this brew and it's deep, complex berry flavor, so we named it in reference to the depths of the ocean and the bloody act of creation that brought it forth.

Sword of Surtr
Burnt Honey Mead (Bochet)
Surtr is an ancient enemy of the gods of Norse mythology that, during Ragnarök, will come from the south with flames, carrying a sword brighter than the sun to do battle with Freyr, and 'fling fire over the earth and burn the whole world.'
We decided to craft a burnt honey mead almost by accident, but once you taste the rich carmel notes of this mead, you will understand why we had to name it after the most powerful blade in all of the legends, destined to end all things.
Surtr is an ancient enemy of the gods of Norse mythology that, during Ragnarök, will come from the south with flames, carrying a sword brighter than the sun to do battle with Freyr, and 'fling fire over the earth and burn the whole world.'
We decided to craft a burnt honey mead almost by accident, but once you taste the rich carmel notes of this mead, you will understand why we had to name it after the most powerful blade in all of the legends, destined to end all things.

Valkyrie's Kiss
Raspberry Mead
Valkyries are the guides for souls of warriors slain in battle in Norse myths, selecting half of those who die in battle go to Fólkvangr, Freyja's afterlife, the other half go to Odin's hall called Valhalla. In those great feasthalls of the afterlife, the valkyries bear the honored dead mead as they feast and train to fight in the great battles of Ragnarok.
The Valkyrie's Kiss is then the last sweet thing a dying man feels before being ushered into their eternal reward - and so we named this lightly sweetend raspberry brew after this, possibly the only merciful act in the entirety of Norse legends.
Valkyries are the guides for souls of warriors slain in battle in Norse myths, selecting half of those who die in battle go to Fólkvangr, Freyja's afterlife, the other half go to Odin's hall called Valhalla. In those great feasthalls of the afterlife, the valkyries bear the honored dead mead as they feast and train to fight in the great battles of Ragnarok.
The Valkyrie's Kiss is then the last sweet thing a dying man feels before being ushered into their eternal reward - and so we named this lightly sweetend raspberry brew after this, possibly the only merciful act in the entirety of Norse legends.

Blackcurrant Mead
Black Currant Mead
The Aesir are the clan that most of the Norse gods hail from - Odin, Thor, Frigg, and Baldr. Unlike Greek and Roman pantheons, not all the gods are from one family, as Freyr and Freyja are from a rival clan, the Vanir, and the wars and politics between the two clans offer insight into the lives of the people who spread these legends. This black currant brew has proven to be one of our most popular flavors, and in honor of all our supporters in this label art we see all an army of gods ready to take on all challengers.
The Aesir are the clan that most of the Norse gods hail from - Odin, Thor, Frigg, and Baldr. Unlike Greek and Roman pantheons, not all the gods are from one family, as Freyr and Freyja are from a rival clan, the Vanir, and the wars and politics between the two clans offer insight into the lives of the people who spread these legends. This black currant brew has proven to be one of our most popular flavors, and in honor of all our supporters in this label art we see all an army of gods ready to take on all challengers.